kilobyte ~1 thousand bytes, KB (actually 1024 bytes0
megabyte ~ 1 million bytes, MB, aka meg
gigabyte ~ 1 billion bytes, GB, aka gig
terabyte ~ 1 quadrillion bytes, TB
click, left-mouse click
right-mouse click
double-mouse click
folder, directory
disk drive
C drive
flash drive, thumb drive, USB drive
backup (noun or verb)
Create a folder on your C-drive, called temp.
Copy all of the files and folders from the flash drive into your new temp folder.
In the temp folder, open the src folder inside the worm folder. How many files are in this folder? ____
Open the computermaintenance folder in the temp directory. Sort the files by file type. How many docx files are there? ___ Open (double-mouse click) the file, homer.jpg. What is it?
Change the name of the cc_run.html file in the computermaintenance folder to cc_walk.html.
Change the name of the computermaintenance folder to maintenance.
Move the worm folder inside the Resources folder.
Look in the spelling folder in the Resources directory in the temp folder. Erase the one non-wav file in that folder.
Erase all of the files in the sight_words folder. That folder is found in the spelling folder.
Remove the empty sight_words folder for the spelling folder.
Remove the bubble_pop folder from the Resources directory
Look in the Valley of Fire folder inside the 2021 April-May Vacation folder. What is the size of the largest file in that folder? ____ How many Big Horn Sheep are visible in the IMG_2262.JPG file? ____
What is the name of the oldest file in the temp folder? _____________
What is the name of the largest file in the temp folder? ____________
How many spreadsheet files are in the spreadsheet folder (hint: the file type is xlsx) _____
Erase all of the files (and folder) in the temp directory.
Create a new folder on the C-drive, called seniorcomputer.
Create a folder inside the seniorcomputer folder, called Windows10Topics.
From the flash drive, copy the 4 files, Windows10Topics* into the new Windows10Topics folder.
Remove your flash drive & return it to the instructor. Celebrate, you're doing well with file management.