The Senior Computer Center of Santa Cruz's volunteers have years of experience that they would like to share with you in a digtial format. Please visit to view the SCCSC's online guides on various electronic devices.
The Downtown Senior Center aims to keep seniors active, engaged and connected with the community through recreation, education, and technology. The Senior Computer Center addresses education and technology by providing a space where members can interact and learn from each other. With access to open lab time where experienced lab assistants are ready to help members on a one-on-one basis to peer-based special interest groups where specific technological issues are addressed, there is something for most anyone! Membership is $25 per year ($35 for two living in the same household) which pays for the space and equipment, upgrades and maintenance.
Our heart and soul is our membership. To use the computer lab, you must be a member of the Senior Computer Center of Santa Cruz. Membership is $25 per year per person, ($35 for couples) and is available to anyone at least 55 years of age. A membership application can be printed out and mailed to us with a check enclosed.
Special interest groups (SIGs) are available to members of the Senior Computer Center of Santa Cruz. To see a sample listing of our offerings, visit our Classes page. SIGs are scheduled in monthly sessions. Prior to the start of each session, an e-mail is sent to members with the offerings for that month. We also offer help using Android, iPhones and other computer related problems. Additionally, in partnership with the Santa Cruz County Volunteer Center's YouthSERVE program, we offer bi-monthly Senior Tech Days where young volunteers work one-on-one with seniors who need specific help and coaching with computers, tablets and mobile phones.
We are located in downtown Santa Cruz at the London Nelson Community Center, 301 Center Street. You may contact us by calling (831) 420-6180, or by email,
The Senior Computer Center of Santa Cruz is supported mainly by volunteers although some staff support is generously provided by the City of Santa Cruz Parks and Recreation Department. Members come, not only to learn, but to volunteer their time teaching classes, staffing the lab and helping each other out. Everyone is encouraged to participate and contribute their time and skills however they can. Great things result when we all share our knowledge.
This web site was originally created by members of the UCSC Online Publishing course. Significant updates completed by James Feagans. The site was later redesigned by Isaac Steinbrook using the framework bootstrap, javascript, and some magic. Senior Computer Center activities are possible due to the generous donations by Cruzio Internet and AT&T and to the ongoing support of the City of Santa Cruz Department of Parks and Recreation and Friends of Parks and Recreation.